DAY 13 in isolation for me and to say that least, I feel like I am living my absolute best life. It’s been incredibly interesting times and I am part of the group that is being paid to stay at home. Being appreciative and grateful are just a few words that could describe how I am feeling.
It’s kind of sad really to think that it has taken such an unfortunate event for people to really sit and appreciate everything that they have. I find myself quite often thinking about where I would be if I wasn’t staying where I currently am. Because two or years prior to moving here, I was living in a shitty apartment complex with about 4 males and everything was shared. The bathroom, the kitchen, the living space and it was fucking gross. I am blessed and my heart is just full of happiness that I am in a much better and safer space.
On another note, I have been using this time to do things I always said I “never” had time for. For years I have been wanting to do yoga, but never got around to doing it, or was never actually motivated enough to do it for a better choice of words. However, doing yoga has become a morning ritual and sometimes if I feel like it, I will do at least 3 times a day. And these aren’t little 10 minute sessions, I am genuinely partaking in 30+ minutes of yoga. It has been refreshing and invigorating. Being able to start my days like this have been amazing and have really helped set the mood and pace for the day. I have been using this time over the last 13 days to connect with Papatuanuku (Earth Mother). Taking in all her beauty, embracing the sun on my skin, my feet on the grass, my arms and legs in the wind. It has been truly INCREDIBLE. I am connecting with the people around me and reconnecting with old friends. I am falling in love, not only with myself but with everything around me. I am writing again, singing and dancing again. My mind, body, and soul have not been this content in a LONG time.
As silly as this may sound, I feel as if something like this was bound to happen. And this might sound stupid, but I really do believe that everything happens for a reason. I do not know what that reason is and yes it is very sad the many lives that have been lost to this horrible virus, however, it has definitely put things into perspective for me. I hope everyone has been able to find their peace wherever they are and have been able to feel, be and create any sort of calm within themselves.
I feel like I am just rambling on at the moment and think that maybe I should probably just post this before I go off on tangents. . . Welcome to my brain.
Anyway, me te arohanui, Hine xxx