So, I wrote something, it’s almost like a poem or something rather and if you know the song If the world was ending, by Julia Michaels and JP Saxe, then this is a spin-off version that I wrote, but with the same context in mind, except relevant to my life. If you know, you know. So here goes…
I was daydreaming, reminiscing, wondering about how you were doing.
Were you busy working, singing or watching television,
Getting high, making knives, or were you drinking.
It’s been a few years now I think I’ve figured out,
How to live without you even if I don’t want to.
Cos I know, you know, we know – we were meant to be together and its fine,
Cos I know, you know, we know – one day our worlds will collide.
And if the world was ending you’d come over, right?
We’d laugh and sing like how we used to do,
Get drunk and eat cold pasta off of the same spoon.
And if the world was ending you’d come over, right?
You’d drive over and you’d stay the night.
We’d talk about the times when we were teens
And remember falling in love at 9TEEN.
Do you ever find yourself dreaming, thinking about how I’m doing
Is she busy working, dancing or watching TV series,
Getting drunk, traveling, fighting conspiracy theories.
It’s been a few years now, have you figure out how,
To live without me even though the world can see.
Cos I know, you know, we know – we were meant to be together and it’s fine,
Cos I know, you know, we know – one day our worlds will collide.
But if the world was ending you’d come over, right?
You’d ask me if I still like my back rubbed at night.
We’d remember the nights we walked home high,
Holding hands and laughing, staring at the sky.
And if the world was ending you’d come over, right?
You’d drive over and you’d stay the night.
You’d tell me that you’re scared of being hurt,
While pulling me in, as I’m wearing your shirt.
Cos I know, you know, we know – we are meant to be together and its fine,
Cos I know, you know, we know – one day our worlds will collide.