As it clearly says in the title, I have no clue at all whatsoever about what day it is in rāhui. Unofficially it has been about 19 days or something rather, but officially as said by ol’ Aunty Jacinda it has been about 15, coming on 16 days in rāhui.
To say the least it has been very good for my mind, body, and soul. I have literally only left the house once and that was to go supermarket shopping, was a big mistake because I had a FAT meltdown and anxiety attack. But you know, you grow through what you go through, right??? That is some cliche bullshit right there. Moving along, bar the panic attack, as mentioned in an earlier post, I am so incredibly at peace with myself. I have really had the opportunity to focus a lot on my own mind, body, and soul and have been doing things that have purely been focussed on my purpose. I had an astrology reading done by the beautiful Jess (MoonChild) and it was so unquestionably accurate. She spoke about me as a child and how she felt as if I had to repress my emotions quite regularly and experienced an excessive amount of crisis. She really hit the nail with that one indeed. However, she went on to say that although I experienced all these things, it helped shape into a person that supports others. I don’t know if I am writing this in a way that is understandable. She went on to talk about how as a teen I may have been suicidal or really down on myself and that this was a common way for an Aquarian to feel because they have always been souls that are before their time. My heart was literally racing because it was once again, very accurate. I thrive in relationships and connecting with people. It was an intense 30 or so minute session. Very insightful too. I now have a mantra that she said she likes to use whenever she needs to recentre herself and it resonated with me and it is as follows;
I am in front of me, I am behind me, I am to the left of me, I am to the right of me, I am below me and I am above me
This is something that I have started to say to myself now whenever I feel myself coming into a state of disconnection and it really grounds me. Anyway, yet again I went off on a tangent, what’s new though.
Me te arohanui, Hine xxx