It is past midnight, I’ve made a cup of coffee because I cannot sleep for the life of me. Not that it matters too much though right, it’s not like I have anywhere to be, go and do. I was feeling a little weird tonight and felt like writing, either that or it was gonna be a night of me sitting up, overthinking shit that isn’t even worth thinking about. So here I am, aimlessly writing, listening to Triple J, the like a version segment and I am vibing.
With everything going around the world at the moment, it’s really got me thinking about a lot of shit. Like if the world really was coming to an end, at least for humanity, who I want to spend my last days with and whatnot. It’s a scary thought and it kind of sends chills through my body when I think too much about the whole thing. I have found myself asking whether I have done enough or spread enough happiness and good vibes, or have you told someone you miss/love them today because we literally are not promised tomorrow. And that thought gives me the absolute shits.
I have really just been trying to connect as much as possible with those around me and tell everyone I care about them whilst we are all still alive. The photo that has been attached to this particular post, has nothing to do with what I have chosen to write about and I don’t know how that makes me feel. Ugh! Welcome to the brain and mind of a high functioning person, it’s a literal headache.
Me te arohanui, Hine xxx